
What Is The Difference Between Black Coffee Orders?

July 27, 2021

We’ve all stepped into a coffee shop at some point in our lives and been confused by the menu. There are SO many different coffee options, and when baristas refer to them by their proper names, we need to be able to step up and show that we know our s#!t when it comes to the caffeine fix we all so desperately need.

So, what are the different black coffee order options?

Espresso (or the Short Black)

Ordering an Espresso might make you feel like you’re straight out of Rome, and you’d be right. This is a famous coffee order in Italy, created by forcing high-pressure steam through ground coffee beans. The result? A thick coffee with a creamy foam – referred to as a ‘crema.’ Due to this thicker consistency and high levels of caffeine, the Espresso is often the base for other coffee varieties.


Directly translated from Italian, Ristretto means ‘restricted’ – and this is translated literally into your coffee cup. A Ristretto is a restricted version of an Espresso, made by ceasing the Espresso extraction process early, halving the amount of water in your cup compared to the Espresso. As the water is halved, this one tastes stronger.

Short Macchiato

When you order a Short Macchiato, you’ll get a shot of Espresso (our friend from above) along with a teaspoon of hot steamed milk and a generous spoonful of foam.

Long Macchiato

Keen on a bigger glass of coffee? A long macchiato is a double shot of Espresso served in a glass with a spoonful of foam and a teaspoon of hot or cold milk.


Here comes our friend the Espresso again, but remixed. The Americano is a shot of Espresso with a more significant amount of hot water added, making the Espresso weaker and turning a small shot into a big cup of coffee.

Long Black

A classic Aussie fave, the Long Black is approximately ⅔ cup of boiling water with a double shot of Espresso poured over the top. When the Long Black is made correctly, you should see a beautiful layer of crema across the top.

Every culture has its own black coffee iteration, so this is just the tip of the iceberg! How many black coffees have you tried? Are there any on your list to try next? We’re going to work our way through them all!

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